
  • N. V. Shevchuk Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • O. V. Terentieva Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • S. M. Klymenko Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • V. P. Hmyria Cherkasy Educational Scientific Institute of State Higher Educational Institution “Banking University”, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Ключевые слова:

capitalization, fundamental value, machine-building enterprises, VBM-models, economic profit, assets, resources, opportunities, organizational skills.


The article presents the results of a critical analysis of scientific positions on the interpretation of the
content of capitalization, which were streamlined in the following approaches: process, resource, value, analytical,
relational, cognitive. Based on the integration of various research aspects of the definition of capitalization, the
authors logic of interpreting its managerial nature has been formed, which is disclosed on the basis of the interrelationship
of the set of processes (turning the capabilities of the external environment into enterprise resources,
activating resources, productive use of resources, turning cost flows into capital) and objects (organizational abilities,
resources, assets), the priority impact on which ensures the growth of business value. The value aspects of capitalization
are investigated on the basis of the fundamental value approach, which made it possible to determine systems
of critical points and monitoring indicators that signal the state of capital management of enterprises. The results of
the implementation of the proposed analytical model of capitalization in the practice of the engineering enterprises of
Ukraine are presented. On the basis of assessments of critical points of the strategic level of analysis, the main
reasons affecting the dynamics of changes in the value of the studied enterprises are determined. Taking into account
the specifics of the development of the business environment in the modern conditions of activity of machine-building
enterprises, it was concluded that the value level of capital formation depends on the level of intellectualization
and digitalization of production. Within the framework of the new technological paradigm, it is appropriate to
develop the machine-building production according to the principles of the Industry 4.0 concept. In accordance with
it, changes in the transformation of the way business processes are organized into digital factories are updated, which
leads to the acquisition by enterprises of such characteristics as: the rate of customization of reactions to market demands
; digital certification; organization of activities on the principles of system engineering, etc.


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Как цитировать

N. V. Shevchuk, O. V. Terentieva, S. M. Klymenko, & V. P. Hmyria. (2019). MANAGEMENT ASPECTS OF CAPITALIZATION IN MODERN CONDITIONS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES. «Вестник НАН РК», (4), 132–140. извлечено от