
  • L. Kazbekova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • K. Utegenova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A. Akhmetova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Z. Korzhynbayeva Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ключевые слова:

competitive strategies, business entity, competition, strategic management, markets.


The article defines the essence of the competitive strategies of firms on the basis of a retrospective
analysis of the theory of competitive strategies development. As a starting point of the study, the author uses the
work by M. Porter, the founder of the theory of competitive strategies. Without diminishing the high importance of
his theory of competitive strategies, the author notes the absence in his works of a clear and comprehensive
definition of the concept of competitive strategy and carries out a further search in the works of other scientists who
have made a definite contribution to the development of the theoretical basis of this direction. Analysis of existing
theoretical developments on this topic allowed the author to formulate an author's interpretation of the concept of
"competitive strategies" and highlight the main features of competitive strategies. In addition, the concepts of
"competitive actions" and "competition strategies" are distinguished in the work. The study of various scientific
points of view and the evolution of diverse approaches to the classification of types of competitive strategies made it
possible to develop the author's classification according to a new classification criterion - according to the level of
competitive activity of a business entity with the identification of their types. According to the author, the
classification of types of competitive strategies that he forms systematizes the existing competitive strategies in the
scientific literature by combining them into three large blocks, and is also the most suitable for use in the practical
activities of industrial enterprises.




Как цитировать

L. Kazbekova, K. Utegenova, A. Akhmetova, & Z. Korzhynbayeva. (2019). THE ESSENCE AND TYPES OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES. «Доклады НАН РК», (6), 150–157. извлечено от


