
  • Tuktin BalgaTuctievich
  • Tenizbayeva Aliya Serikovna
  • Shamshat Nurbek Auesbayuly
  • Abilmagjanov Arlan Zanutallaevich
  • Shapovalov Anatoly Aleksandrovich

Ключевые слова:

diesel fraction of oil, zeolite, catalyst, hydropurification.


The paper presents the results of a study of hydroforming diesel oil fractions on alumina catalysts
modified with metals of variable valency, the addition of phosphorus and lanthanum. The study of the process of
hydroprocessing of the diesel fractions was carried out in a high-pressure flow unit with a stationary catalyst bed at
temperature of 320-4000
C, a pressure of 3 - 4.0 MPa and a volume feed rate of 1-3 h-1. The results obtained during
the tests of catalysts in the process of hydroprocessing of diesel oil fractions show that the greatest decrease in the
pour point and turbidity occurs at a temperature of 380–400o
C. During the hydroprocessing of the diesel fraction, the
lowest residual sulfur content is observed at a temperature of 400o
During the hydroprocessing of the diesel fractions of oil, the catalyst СоО-WO3- La2О3 - Р2О5-ZSM- Al2O3,
has the greatest hydrodesulfurizing activity. The sulfur content of the catalysate with increasing temperature up to
С decreased from 0,560 to 0,0229%. The greatest decrease in the pourpoint and сloudpoint, during the
hydroprocessing of the diesel oil fraction is observed on the catalyst NiO-МоO3-La2О3-Р2О5-ZSM-Al2O3: minus 58.9
and minus 57.7o
C, respectively.
Physical and chemical characteristics of catalysts are studied. The method of temperature–programmed
desorption of ammonia found that the highest concentration of acid centers has a catalyst NiO-МоO3-La2О3-Р2О5-
ZSM-Al2O3 (31.3•10-4mol NH3des /g cat) with Tdes= 2150
C, which determines its high hydroisomerizing activity in
the processes of hydroprocessing of diesel fractions.
The developed catalysts make it possible to obtain winter grades of diesel fuels with low sulfur content.




Как цитировать

Tuktin BalgaTuctievich, Tenizbayeva Aliya Serikovna, Shamshat Nurbek Auesbayuly, Abilmagjanov Arlan Zanutallaevich, & Shapovalov Anatoly Aleksandrovich. (2019). HYDROPROCESSING OF DIZEL OIL FRACTIONS ON MODIFIED ALUMINA CATALYSTS. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии, (3), 56–62. извлечено от http://189185.vm7pq.group/chemistry-technology/article/view/1305