
  • Zhurynov G.M.
  • Balabekova D.D.
  • Syzdykov B.Sh.
  • Talassov M.Zh.
  • Bekmanova N.M.

Ключевые слова:

Investments, investment climate, agribusiness, agribusiness, efficiency, attraction.


The development of the economy of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization and business
integration, increased competition in almost all sectors of the economy makes it impossible to develop large
enterprises without significant investment infusions.
Today, most Russian companies consider bank credit as almost the only source of additional financing.
At the same time, when obtaining bank loans, there are significant restrictions on the size of the amounts and
conditions of funds received on credit. The real sector of the economy in the current economic situation needs an
influx of investment.
At the level of business entities, the possibility of attracting investment is almost a determining factor in
The adequacy of practical investment decisions made at its various stages depends on understanding the logic of
investment processes, the most important of which is the choice of an enterprise in which investment resources will
be invested.
This choice is mainly influenced by such a category as the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.
Therefore, the formation of a favorable business reputation and investment attractiveness of enterprises becomes an
urgent need for effective management.
To attract additional financial resources, the industry should have a high level of investment attractiveness,
sufficient to convince investors to invest their money in it.
The management of most agricultural enterprises does not realize the significance of investment attractiveness
and does not deliberately deal with the issues of forming its assessment and developing methods for its analysis,
testing them at the enterprise, and studying the factors that influence it.
The activation of the investment process and its management should take place according to clear programs.
The selection of objects for investment in agriculture should be carried out according to the criterion of greatest
efficiency and with the least time lag. Government bodies of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the
help of corporations, enterprises, as well as regional government bodies of republican entities will have to identify
priority areas of investment. Moreover, for each object, it is necessary to solve the whole complex of modern
production problems at the expense of allocated investments: economic (production of competitive and highly
efficient products), environmental (guaranteeing environmentally friendly environments, emissions and discharges of
harmful ingredients in the minimum maximum permissible concentrations), technological (using high non-waste,
low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies guaranteeing the release of high-quality products of a new
generation). At the same time, through the same investments, it is necessary to improve the structure of material
production in order to solve social problems and eliminate imbalances between the main branches of material
production and infrastructure sectors (agriculture, transport, communications, energy, etc.).




Как цитировать

Zhurynov G.M., Balabekova D.D., Syzdykov B.Sh., Talassov M.Zh., & Bekmanova N.M. (2020). INVESTMENT CLIMATE IN THE AGRARIAN SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. «Доклады НАН РК», (1), 26–35. извлечено от


