
  • Kokenova A.T.
  • Abdikerimova G.I.
  • Khan I.YU.
  • Agabekova Sh.N.
  • Demeubayeva A.O.

Ключевые слова:

competitiveness, strategy, mechanism, economic growth, organizational and economic mechanism.


The stability and efficiency of the functioning of Kazakhstan's consumer sector enterprises are
currently being formed under the influence of conflicting factors of market conditions and state regulation, the
convergence of which significantly determines the internal configuration, dynamics and potential for their
The need for the development of modern, effective and adequate to the state of the markets mechanisms and
instruments of strategic management was especially acute in connection with the sanction pressure of Western
countries and the post-crisis transformation of micro- and mesoscale economic systems.
The shortcomings of the methodological support of strategic management of the industrial business, aimed at
creating long-term competitive advantages in the face of increased pressure (market and competitive) from
international markets, players and regulatory institutions, became apparent.
Thus, the problem of reconciling the interests of long-term strategic business development has become
extremely urgent, which, as you know, is a controversial and controversial layer in domestic and foreign
management science.
A separate place in solving the problem of increasing the effectiveness of strategic management is occupied by
issues related to ensuring high-quality strategic planning, improving organizational forms of business, the formation
of motivation mechanisms for all subjects of the industrial business, as well as the development of monitoring and
control systems for the implementation of development strategies.
The effectiveness of the enterprise competitiveness management mechanism requires the fulfillment of certain
requirements for enterprises in this field, the organizational and economic model of the enterprise, the forms and
methods for evaluating the effectiveness of managerial decisions.
The organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management is effectively
implemented in management technology. In this case, we use the process approach, which allows us to consider the
technology as a set of organizational measures, operations and techniques aimed at increasing the competitiveness of
the service industry enterprise.
The need to form an organizational and economic mechanism for the development and implementation of
managerial decisions within the framework of a systematic approach to strategic management of business
development as a factor in ensuring sustainable economic growth is especially relevant.
These facts determined the scientific relevance and practical value of solving the problems of strategic
management in industrial wineries.




Как цитировать

Kokenova A.T., Abdikerimova G.I., Khan I.YU., Agabekova Sh.N., & Demeubayeva A.O. (2020). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISM FOR FORMING COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES. «Доклады НАН РК», (1), 102–108. извлечено от


